There are few things quite as stunning as camping under the crisp, falling, red and orange leaves of fall. With the sound and smell of a crackling, burning fire to keep warm in the chilling breeze of the night, a tent under the stars is home for the night. Fall is upon us and one of the perks of having an off-roading vehicle is that you can camp off the beaten-path and many trucks/SUVs are spacious enough to camp in.
With endless options available for truck-bed campers, backseat air mattresses, and other accessories to make truck camping easier, here is a compiled list of suggestions for must-haves when utilizing your own vehicle for camping.
Air Mattress
Sleeping on the ground while tent camping isn’t exactly the same as sleeping on a pillow-top but can be done! However, sleeping in a metal truck-bed or trunk of an SUV...definitely not comfortable. A high-quality air mattress is recommended for this style of camping. There are also now options for air mattresses shaped to fit in the backseat/trunk of midsize SUVs to make it more accessible for most vehicles.
Truck Tent or Camper Shell
With cooler temperatures and not bringing the luxury of a camper or tent, a camper shell or truck tent is a great touch to protect against the elements. Many truck tents or rooftop tents are very easy to pop up and convenient to travel with. A camper shell is a nice, more permanent option to keep on your truck to protect your truck bed and keep you more enclosed from the elements.
Camping Power Source
While not completely necessary, a power source or solar generator would be a good safety net to keep with you when camping. There are several affordable options for power sources that can be sourced out of the 12v plug in your vehicle. While this option does limit how much power can be utilized, it is convenient and on the more affordable side. Another alternative option is a solar generator that uses the sunlight to create power to plug outlets into.
Keep in mind these items are things that cater to truck camping and don’t include all the other basic camping necessities! Always come prepared for any situation on camping trips and be familiar with the area you’re offroading in.
Happy off-roading and camping, share your adventures with us at #milltechoffroad!